Album – So Last Century – 99 Men
Posted by admin on April 26th, 2006
- Band / Artist : 99 Men
- Genre : Rock / Pop
- Sample Track Download : No Fun
- Buy CD : CD Baby
- Buy Digital Download : iTunes – mp3 Tunes
- Rating : 9 out of 10
I never cease to be amazed at the plethora of amazing music out there, that’s been around for a while, but somehow managed to slip under the radar. 99 Men is a classic example. The album So Last Century was originally released in 2004, yet only recently has the band surfaced in the Indie Launchpad pool.
An amazing mesh of driven music and catchy lyrics, every track on the album is just sheer class. I have to admit, I’m absolutely hooked on the track “Big Party” and as is often the way, that is the track that brought the band to my attention. Taking a little longer at 30 seconds (I’m usually a 10 second guy, just in hit detection, honest!) for me to realise this is an amazing track, that’s still not too bad… is it?
So yes, one amazing standout track, but what of the rest of the album. Well at 10 tracks, there’s certainly enough to choose from and they are all extremely good. The album opens very strongly with “No Fun” and pretty much sets the tone for the rest of the album with it’s infectious, catchy melody. My other favorites would have to be “A Rich Man” and “Equator Sun” and…. hold on, that’s the first 4 tracks covered, so I think you get the drift.
99 Men, have to be the hidden gem so far of 2006. I’m crossing fingers, toes and anything else I can cross, hoping that a new album surfaces soon.
Conclusion : No one can ever accuse me of taking my music lightly, so when I say this is an album that should be found a home in your collection, I hope you do just that, cos you won’t be sorry.