Album – Pass It On – Dorothy Scott
Posted by admin on July 1st, 2007
- Band / Artist : Dorothy Scott – mySpace
- Genre : Acoustic / Alternative / Pop
- Sample Track Download : Heartbeat
- Buy CD : CD Baby
- Buy Digital Download : iTunes
- Rating : 9 out of 10
This review is actually based on the original 6 track EP, that was not, as far as I know released , but which subsequently morphed into a full album. So while I haven’t heard the final 11 track album in it’s entirety, I have no qualms recommending it, based on the 6 tracks listened to.
This album has an especially significant meaning to me, as it was the first thing I listened to after my son was born. I can remember driving back from the hospital and popping this CD into the car stereo and just being swept away by Dorothy’s amazing voice. “Alma’s Song” was the first track to greet me and is probably my favorite on the album. It still reminds me of that car journey home. It has all the hallmarks of a timeless classic. The melody is simple, the words are heartfelt. The words and music are just magical. There’s a very ethereal quality to the track, which just adds to the whole experience.
“Peace Within” is more in keeping with the rest of the album, with an interesting mix of influences, from folk and blues, to Soul with a hint of reggae. It was when I got to “Waterboy”, that I was suddenly reminded of an artist, I hadn’t thought about in many years, Jennifer Warnes. The similarity isn’t striking, more subtle. This track is also somewhat of the odd one out, as it’s the only one not to break the 5 minute mark, managing to last a paltry, ha, three minutes, 14 seconds.
“Pass It On” the title track provides a wonderful stage for Dorothy’s voice and indeed further shows the accompaniment to be absolutely first class. “Heartbeat”, musically reminds me a bit of the Scottish band Finniston, with it’s primarily acoustic guitar sound. It’s a rambling , slow paced track that leads nicely into the final track “Ride These Waves”, a beautiful track to end an amazing album.
Conclusion : An incredible album, from a lady who I’m absolutely delighted to have found. Female vocalists have a special place in my musical psyche, with Dorothy Scott filling one of the very top positions.