EP – Vicious Times – Tom Geiger
Posted by admin on January 14th, 2007
- Band / Artist : Tom Geiger – mySpace
- Genre : Electronica / Pop
- Sample Track Download : N/A
- Buy CD : N/A
- Buy Digital Download : iTunes
- Rating : 9.5 out of 10
I’m a little in the lax department when reviewing this EP. I can’t for the life of me think why though, as it’s an absolutely stellar EP, with a track that’s been featured heavily on the Indie Launchpad podcast. One of then reasons (no excuses here) would be that when I originally came across Tom Geiger, there was no formal release available to purchase. When his EP finally became available on iTunes, I had the best intentions of reviewing it, but it somehow fell by the wayside. So here it is, dusted off and sitting on that musical pedestal for all to admire.
This 3 track EP opens with the song “Vicious Times”. Musically this is best described as a kind of electronic, melancholic pop. Tom’s voice has a wonderful quality that fits the music like an OJ hand in glove, tight as tight can be. For me though, the number one reason to buy this EP, has to be the second track, the absolutely awesome “Thank God We’ve Got Good Friends”. I can’t tell you how many times, I’ve played this track, but it’s one of the few tracks I can easily play over and over again. Tom’s voice has that barest hint of roughness to it, a kind of grade zero sandpaper voice. The music is very understated, allowing the vocals to drive the song forward. It’s a ballad of sorts, but without the mush. Based on this one track alone, record companies should be queuing up outside his door. The final track “Wrong Way” is a more upbeat affair, but just the south side of happiness. It’s not my favorite track on the EP, but that’s probably because I’d become accostomed to the first two a long time ago. The third track was added for the iTunes release. It’s still a good song, but doesn’t click in the same way as the first two.
Conclusion : With no record deal, it’s an absolute sin and one for which record companies should be truly embarrassed. Certainly one of the best releases of 2006 and what I hope is a building block to major success.