Site Update

Posted by admin on August 3rd, 2008

It’s been a while since I’ve posted any site updates, but wanted to let you know about a few changes happening here at Indie Launchpad. The number of CD’s submitted has skyrocket and while I’ve tried to keep on top of all the great music, it’s got to the stage where something has to give. While I love to wax lyrical about the merits of releases, realistically I just don’t have enough hours in the day. As from today, you will notice a greater frequency of reviews posted, but many of these will be of a shorter form, 2 or 3 paragraphs, rather than some of the more epic reviews, which I will save for the albums that attain the highest Indie Launchpad ratings.

The Indie Launchpad review site also serves as the content provider for the podcast, so not only are reviews posted, but a track from the release also features in the podcast. Sometimes, I’ve been snowed under, not able to post any reviews, and had to skip a podcast. Under the new arrangement this should no longer happen.

Please understand all music reviewed is listened to, sometimes many, many times, so reviews are never just thrown together to meet deadlines. My passion for music is as great, if not greater than when this site started. I’ve had the privilege to work with many great artists, bands, PR, marketing and record companies and value the relationships I’ve built up over the 3 years this site has existed.

Indie Launchpad was created to showcase the finest in independent music, and I like to think I’ve done a pretty good job so far. Please feel free to contact me, if you feel these smaller reviews are not long enough, or if you have any ideas for improvement.

Thank you stopping by, reading the reviews and purchasing the many albums you’ve let me know about. Here’s looking to the future.

Editor – Indie Launchpad

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