Album – Your Move – Everyday Atlas
Posted by admin on November 17th, 2006
- Band / Artist : Everyday Atlas – mySpace
- Genre : Rock
- Sample Track Download : Two Steps
- Buy CD : CD Baby
- Buy Digital Download : iTunes
- Rating : 9 out of 10
Everyday Atlas starts their album very strongly with “Take Me Home”, at times sounding musically like Harvey Danger and vocally similar to Public Symphony. This is in itself interesting, as more and more, I’m finding myself making comparisons to other indie bands and less to more mainstream artists. “Take Me Home” also has a wonderfully quirky ending, using a slice of that other great independent artist, Bach. “Radio Song” is every inch the radio friendly pop song and firmly establishes this album as something quite special. The fourth track “Hang Around” evokes a wonderful air of contemplation, taking a more relaxed and laid back direction and is firmly amongst my favorite tracks on the album.
With 11 tracks on the album, I can honestly say there isn’t a bad, or even weak track among them, which is quite an achievement. “Two Steps” has some vocal characteristics similar to many bands at the moment like, Fall-Out Boy and Panic at the Disco. This isn’t some feeble copy though and for me, it’s a lot more listenable on the whole.
Throughout the album is some wonderful piano work, which seems to be sadly lacking from a lot of pop music nowadays. I make no secret that I’m a big fan of both the piano and acoustic guitar, preferring music that compliments vocals, rather than drown them out.
“Be A Reason” is an unusual track on the album, as it reminds me very much of Tori Amos, both musically and in lyrical delivery, although this is more during the verses, than the chorus. “Stardust” is one of those atmospheric, mellow tracks which really brings the band Public Symphony to mind, who were reviewed back in May. The album rounds off with “Looking Back”, which has an interesting sound and brings memories of the 70’s flooding back. I think I would have preferred the last two tracks flipped round, but this is really just me nitpicking and doesn’t detract from the album at all.
Conclusion : 2006 has been an incredible year for independent music, giving much deserved recognition to existing artists and an incredible platform for new bands and artists. Everyday Atlas deserve much praise and recognition for this excellent album.