Album – Let Me In – Pippa Rogers
Posted by admin on January 18th, 2006
- Band / Artist : Pippa Rogers
- Genre : Pop / Rock / Easy Listening
- Sample Track Download : N/A
- Buy CD : Buy
- Buy Digital Download : N/A
- Rating : 7 out of 10
Pippa Rogers is an artist I’ve come across a few times, more recently with her contribution to the Podsafe Christmas song. With her album Let Me In, she presents 8 tracks that form a wonderful mix of pop, rock and easy listening. It’s funny, easy listening was always a phrase I used to associate with the likes of Perry Como, Andy Wiliams and Roger Whittaker, a sort of euphemism for tired, pajama and slippers music, but the older I got, the more I realised that easy listening was just that, music that allowed you to relax and let the music wash over you.
I have to admit I’m not a big fan of the opening track Happy, even though it’s well liked by various podcasters, as I’ve heard it played and praised a few times. For me the album really begins with Take it All, which is a wonderfully infections melody. I’d love to hear a more rocky version of it. I have to also say Let Me In is also not a song I am too fond of. After thinking about this and the first track, the common factor seems to be the bass, which seems to distract too much from Pippa’s voice and also the melody. I do however love the song I’ll be With You. It’s one of those songs that almost puts you in a trance with the song seemingly lasting a lot longer than it actually does.
Pippa has such a beautiful voice with lots of energy and emotion, but I just would have loved that little bit more. With 8 tracks this is shorter than your usual album, but at just 6 UK pounds for the CD, that’s still pretty good value for money.
Conclusion : This is overall a good album, and I’m sure we’ll be hearing a lot more from Pippa in the near future.